Archive Monthly Archives: July 2014


Lately I’ve been witness to some very different outlooks on life and things. On one side of the continuum there are those who are thankful and grateful for what they have, and who take pleasure in the “simple things” – family, love, laughter, card games, nature and so on.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Tonight was date night. Hubby and I decided to go see the movie, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, which, of course, is the sequel to the 2011 movie, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. We had really enjoyed the latter, so it was an obvious choice. I had fond memories of watching the 1970s series, Planet of the Apes on Sunday afternoons with my family.

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Talking With The Teens

When I was a member of my high school student council body, one of the things I participated in was Teacher’s Day. This was a day where the teachers got a day off from teaching and the student council members taught the lower school. I chose to teach Food and Nutrition to a group of 9th grade girls. I chose that group because they were at a fun age – most would have been between 13 and 14 and they were old and mature enough to respond to me but not yet too old to give me much “lip”, which I may not have handled that well, being only a few years their senior. We cooked, we laughed and the day was a fun one.

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Getting Back to Writing

I’ve been away from writing for too long now. My husband and eldest sister have been working on me for months, if not a year, to start writing a book. I don’t feel like I have a book within me right now, but it is perhaps to come later, after I get back into writing.

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